Featuring Mark Kelley of The Roots

Today we're blessed to be joined by the one and only bassist Mark Kelley of The Roots. Kelley comes to the table with Scottish Producer Sam Gallaitry's mesmerizing groove "Hibernation" and a HOV-ready instrumetnal by Detroit beat maker Seige Monstrocity. 

We dance through Black Grapefruit's genre-bending bop "Mind." Bounce along with Dublin-based Jafaris's otherworldly "Found My Feet." We find solace in our records in the wake of lost love with The Nude Party. And float off with Jakob Agawa's "Velvet Light." 

Today also marks Marie-Claire Senior Culture Editor Cady Drell's first official post as our new weekly host — bless your heart RaShaad. 

01. "Home Team" By Indigo De Souza
02. "Hibernation" by Sam Gellaitry
03. "Records" by The Nude Party
04. "Son Of A Bad Man" by Marcus Atom
05. "Mind" by Black Grapefruit
06. "Believe" by Seige Monstracity
07. "Dress / Undress" by QTY
08. "Found My Feet" by Jafaris
09. "Velvet Light" by Jakob Ogawa

Art: Kentaro Tomoi